
We blended SAP products that offer unique solutions to the food industry with IMPROVA experience. From traceability to weighing, from planning by expiration date to seasonality, from promotion management to effective management of shipment processes, all your processes are ready for transformation.

Food Industry

The Food Industry, which determines the future of humanity, is being reshaped for a sustainable world. As eating habits and consumer behaviors change, those food companies that can read this transformation correctly will survive.

In recent years, the food industry has become more focused on reducing its environmental impact and on sustainable practices. Issues such as the environmental impact of agriculture, water consumption, reduction of food waste have become an important topic of discussion in the sector. Accordingly, the demand for organic products has increased and various innovative approaches have been developed to reduce environmental impacts in food production and distribution.

Changing Consumer Behavior

With consumers’ growing interest in health and wellness, the demand for functional foods has also increased. In particular, the demand for functional foods that strengthen the immune system, support digestion, energize and combat stress has increased. This encourages food companies to add more functional properties to their product portfolio. With the rise in popularity of vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, the demand for plant-based alternative products has also greatly increased. Products such as plant-based meat alternatives, dairy alternatives and vegan snacks are experiencing significant growth in the food sector. This trend is also supported by a growing interest in healthy lifestyles and environmental awareness.

Digitalization and E-Commerce

The food sector is under the influence of digitalization and e-commerce. E-commerce, which became mandatory during the pandemic period, has permanently changed consumer behavior after the pandemic. Customers now prefer to shop for food on online platforms, leading to the emergence of new players offering online food delivery services alongside traditional retailers. In addition, technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are being used to improve efficiency in food production and distribution. Traditional food producers and distributors find technology companies as competitors.

Supply chain complexity in the food industry and concerns over food safety have increased the demand for more sophisticated tracking systems to provide better traceability and safety. The use of technologies such as automation, the Internet of Things, etc. plays an important role to improve the monitoring and safety of food products throughout the supply chain.

Food Sector-Specific Problems

Supply Chain Issues

Fluctuations in consumer demand cause uncertainties in the supply chain in the food sector. In particular, seasonal demand changes and unexpected global events such as pandemics and wars can negatively affect the supply chain and lead to stocking problems.

Waste Management

Waste management is an important issue in the food sector. Waste can be generated at many points along the supply chain, from production to retail outlets. Effective management and recycling of these wastes is important for sustainability.

Hygiene Standards

Hygiene and food safety are of great importance in the food sector. Especially when there are multiple suppliers from different geographies and logistics stages, it becomes difficult to ensure hygiene standards throughout the supply chain.

Improva Food Industry Solutions

You can easily manage all your processes from R&D to production to delivery to the customer at the door with SAP’s latest solutions. With IMPROVA SAP solutions, you can price your suppliers according to raw material quality and get the most suitable raw material from the best supplier.

Weighing System

With the IMPROVA weighing package developed on SAP, you can produce the right components in the right quantities and ensure perfect traceability with SAP batch management processes. You can provide digital tracking at every stage from packaging, parceling, palletizing processes to the final customer delivery at the door.

RFID - SAP EWM Integration

With the RFID – SAP EWM integration developed by IMPROVA, you can track your stocks completely. Thanks to the SAP TM module, you can monitor your vehicles instantly, and with the SAP QM module, you can reliably track all your quality processes.

Foreign Trade Solutions

While managing your import and export processes end-to-end with IMPROVA Foreign Trade Solution, you can increase your customer satisfaction by giving accurate deadlines to your customers with SAP AATP module.